It is widely thought between the lines: “idea is not bird – it will not fly away”. But is it true?
If You are one of those who are using this advice, count now – how many times You blamed Yourself for being not what You want to be or doing not what you wish to?
Do You know – how many genius ideas, great thoughts, unique ways, millionaire businesses, simple problem solutions were generated in people minds but never came to real life? Guess!
BILLIONS of millions! And that is happening every day.
Even now – count one, two, three.. Probably half of 7 billion people have juts missed they life opportunity to become rich, famous, or simply failed to cope with their daily problems in a very simple way.
But why? The answer is simple, writte down this line to the well seen place :
– even the most genius idea is worthless without an action!
I am serious – write this line down. To your mobile, computer (don’t copy! Write it by yourself!), note book even hand. This will be the first step to Your personal success. You ask me why? Because now, You have just said it by yourself. Now it is Your words, not mine anylonger. Now it is You who just thought so, not me – but to believe it or not – is Your personal choise.
Brains are awesome mechanism. They always work on Your behalf. But do You let them to do their job ir a proper way? Do You take the dividens from their hard daily performance? Let them work in an efficient way. Mind comes first. It is followed by an action. Action brings to reaction or result. Even if the outcome is lead by many actions – the more You do, the less it takes to result. And what is writting down Your great mind? Yes! You are so right – it is the firs action made to reach the outcome.
Despite it is raining, despite the bad mood or interesting game show on TV, despite You are driving or it is 4 am in a morning – good idea which just came into Your mind MUST BE written down NOW.
Ideas are birds. Some of them are really very rare species which comes only once in a life time. Dont let them fly away.